Our Ministries


Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry Team assists in the magnification and the multiplication of the gospel throughout DC Metropolitan Area by nurturing a warm, welcoming environment and catalyzing relational connections within The Inner Light Ministries-UCC community.  The vision of the Hospitality Ministry Team is to highlight Jesus' selfless love for all people. The goal is to make Inner Light Ministries a welcoming, safe environment for all people, making them feel at home with us and assisting them with any needs they might have. Serving on this team provides believers of Christ an opportunity and outlet to extend this love of Christ

Outreach Ministry

Inner Light Ministries-UCC seeks to pursue and fulfill its calling to reach out to the marginalized LGBTQ community and the disinherited individuals of our community.   We seek to practically share Christ's love in the community and create a supportive environment where individuals learn to see the God in themselves and others. The focus of this ministry is to "Serve, Reach, and Embrace" our community with the love of Christ.

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry purpose is to empower, strength, and encourage woman to serve others by using their God given gifts.  The women of the church gather to develop a Christian sisterhood while developing their knowledge of God's love, self and others.  Through bible study, retreats, service projects and events, the women focus on living Christian lives based on the bible.

Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry's purpose is to empower, strength, and encourage ILM men to serve others by using their God given gifts.  The men of the church gather to develop a Christian brotherhood while developing their knowledge of God's love, self and others.  Through bible study, retreats, service projects and events, the men focus on living Christian lives based on the bible.

Worship & Arts Ministry (WAM)

The Worship And Arts Ministry of Inner Light Ministries, UCC seeks to augment the service of ministry by infusing creative and liturgical arts into the corporate worship experience.  WAAM presents original artistic worship as well as other creative expressions available inside and outside worship traditions.  WAAM includes visual artists, writers, singer, dancers, actors, performance artists, spoken word artists, poets and other artistic creators.  WAAM bring to the fore of the worship experience a spiritual connection to the life-giving force and spiritual essence inherent in all people.  Does art imitate life or life imitate art? Well, we believe that the arts represent a spiritual connection to our divine relationship and as such the art is both a mirror and a light to the powerful living a truly Christ Conscious life.  


Worship Location
1231 Good Hope Rd SE WDC
(Anacostia Arts Center)

Church Office
1245 Pleasant St. SE WDC 20002

Contact Info

Primary Business Address
P.O. Box 15596 WDC 20003




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