Rev Darryl

Rev. Darryl! L.C. Moch

Rev. Darryl! L.C. Moch

Rev. Darryl! L.C. Moch

Rev. Darryl! L.C. Moch, serves as the assistant to the Bishop and on the ministerial staff of Inner Light Ministries in Washington, DC. He was called into ministry at a young age and served informally as youth minister, peer counselor, and teacher since pre-teen years. He continued ministry across the country, through college, and into adulthood. He was ordained as Reverend by the late Bishop Martin Nunn and a board of presbyters in 2000. Prior to that he earned a BA in Performing Arts (Theatre and Dance) and Psychology, a Masters of Education in Counseling, and a Masters of Fine Arts in Theatre: Directing. 

He currently serves as the President/CEO of Inner Light, Incorporated, co-founded with Bishop Cheeks to provide resources and services to the community; and also provides consulting services to communities and non-profit organizations. He is the Director of the Charm City Labor Chorus. He serves as the co-chair of the Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB) for the Department of Health (DOH) in DC and on the DOH advisory board for African American MSM called Project healthy Living which produces The ManDate discussion group and conference. His passion is creating opportunities that will empower, expose, and enlighten individuals and our collective communities. His activist and advocacy work has been rooted in social justice, equality, and quality of life issues for African-American/People of Color and minority communities, children, youth, families, sexual minority constituencies, people living with mental and physical challenges, the homeless, as well as people living with, and/or affected by, HIV/AIDS. He has used the literary and performing arts to educate, inspire, and inform creative change in the lives of individuals, families, and communities.


Darryl!'s motto: "Remember to live in Love and let LOVE live in you, around you, through you, and… AS you."


Worship Location
1231 Good Hope Rd SE WDC
(Anacostia Arts Center)

Church Office
1245 Pleasant St. SE WDC 20002

Contact Info

Primary Business Address
P.O. Box 15596 WDC 20003



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